Find A Practitioner

Practitioners from across the globe are available to help customize your child’s protocol and address specific needs. Many have lost hope in the sick-care model offered through traditional routes. That is why we have pulled together a team of professionals in functional and natural health to bring children back to a health-care model because, after all, the entire reason we focus on TNI is to improve our children’s health and function long term. They can order functional labs that can reveal insights into malfunction and get your child on a personalized protocol to health.

You can be sure that a practitioner approved by the Scientific Advisory Committee(SAC) understands Down Syndrome biochemistry, and will make the safest recommendations for your loved one with Down Syndrome. Practitioners unfamiliar with the biochemistry of T21 can make recommendations that adversely affect genetic regulation causing unforeseen side effects and damage.

Practitioners Available for Online and Video Consultation:

Gabi Giacomin (Lead SAC Practitioner)

Petra Buchanan

Khaki Cooper

Amy Harron

Sara Land

Practitioners Available For In-Person

Dr. Erica da Silva Rodrigues Coelho, Pediatrician and Pediatric Intensivist, Brazil
Av. Aristides Ferreira 505 Vila Ursulino Barra Mansa – RJ 27351040
Phone: + 55 21 974016313
Face-to-face and online assistance

Dr. José Sizenando Cunha, M.D. , Pediatrician, Portugal
Instituto CUF Porto
Run Fonte da Swrw Bicas 170, 4460-282 Sra. Da Hora

Dr. Andreza Macedo Teixeira, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Brazil
Physician’s office:
Avenida Humaitá, 495 – Zona 4 – Maringá – Paraná – Brasil
CEP 87020-010
Phone: +55 44 32246963
Presential and online attendance

Online Support Groups

TNI Beginner’s Group

TNI Restoring Hope for DS Regression