Beginner Group Lesson 2 - What is Down Syndrome?

SCROLL DOWN TO MENU FOR ENGLISH VERSION 10 AVRIL 2018 – LEÇON 2. Veuillez lire le texte et les études liées et regarder la vidéo. Une fois que vous avez terminé, tapez «regardé et lu» sous les commentaires. QU’EST-CE QUE LE SYNDROME DE DOWN? Tous les...

Lesson 3 – Food and Gene Editing

Most citations used are taken from the NLM database and are in the public domain. NATURAL GENE EDITING One “non” food source therapy is centered around the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, Prozac, Prozac may provide some benefit for Down syndrome. A...

Lesson 6 – Low Brain Histamine

LOW BRAIN HISTAMINE Most citations used are taken from the NLM database and are in the public domain. Down Syndrome is extremely complicated. Addressing one area of this metabolic, neurodegenerative disease will have little, if any effect and certainly, no benefit in...