Trisomy 21 Research Foundation refers only to those practitioners with the best training, expertise and knowledge of Down Syndrome biochemistry. They are not employees of the Foundation, but healthcare professionals who have provided documentation that they have an appropriate education to help you with TNI. We do not pay them, nor do we provide guidance on their fees. They are independent. We cannot vouch for anything other than their credentials and willingness to assist you.

The team consists of multiple specialists in alternative medicine who have a unique perspective. Most are the parents of children with Down Syndrome. To these professionals, Targeted Nutritional Intervention is deeply personal. While many alternative healthcare providers will request certain tests to insure your child’s protocol meets your child’s individual needs, no testing is required to begin the basic protocol. It is sufficient for the majority of children. Tweaking is not always necessary.

While no one is required to work with an expert, it can be beneficial to have your child’s protocol modified based on his or her unique metabolism. Most are available for telemedicine appointments. Click the link and go through their profiles to find the best fit for you and your child with Down syndrome.

It is in your best interest to ask for a written agreement regarding potential fees and services before employing anyone, the same is true of a healthcare practitioner.

Being on the Scientific Advisory Committee means they have access to each other and to our scientists where they are afforded information on further research. They have a special group where they can discuss their practices with other practitioners which can be helpful in problem solving.

Trisomy 21 Research Foundation assumes no responsibility for SAC Practitioners. You are free to work with them, choose someone else or proceed on your own.