
Research and writings related to Trisomy 21 and TNI

Meet Healthcare Practitioners

Trisomy 21 Research Foundation work only with those practitioners with the best training, expertise and knowledge of Down Syndrome biochemistry. They are not employees of the Foundation, but healthcare professionals who h…

Join the Discussion on MeWe or Facebook

Download the MeWe app or go to and open a free account. Then join Targeted Nutritional Intervention. We are leaving Facebook due to censorship and intrusive behaviors. We are an American Foundation and must be able to express ourselves under…

Kunal Recovers from Regression

By Dr. Gabi Giacomin

Its bittersweet adding another regression recovery story to my website. You can’t imagine how excited and relieved these parents are when their chil…

When Science and Belief Meet

When Science and Belief Meet

Over the weekend, I read parts of a book that had a profound impact on my own thinking. One point I think I have made very clear over the years is that, unlike many others who have devo…

Does Science Provide Evidence for Prayer?

MAY 17 2019 – THIS IS NOT A LESSON. It is just an observation but, it is confirmed by science. Often on this group and the others, we see threads concerning prayer. Should we be doing this in light of the various religions represented here? The answe…

Leukemia and Down Syndrome

NOVEMBER 19/2018 LEUKEMIA AND DOWN SYNDROME Most citations used are taken from the NLM database and are in the public domain. Besides open heart surgery, I know first hand that the greatest fear we, as parents of children with DS live with, is the threat of Leukemia....

Bold, Beautiful and Talented – Meet Charlie Fien

Charlie Fien is, in many ways, an ordinary 23 year old young woman. As a college student, Charlie’s life is very full from her studies to spending time with her boyfriend, Riley. Where Charlie differs from most young women in her passion and desire to tell the world...

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