

By Ji Min

All I can say is that my little man has changed our lives in the most divine way. He has given me clarity and shown me that I am so much more stronger than I thought. Since he was diagnosed in my belly, I fought hard for him. From health professional giving us the worst case scenarios and suggesting termination. I fought for him. Who in turn scared my husband (my rock) into anxiety and also wanted us to consider an option. I fought for him. We went to see his doctor so we can help my husband cope better and he bluntly told me to terminate. I fought for him. Then we had well meaning family and friends crying for us telling us stories of a distant friend’s second cousin who got divorced because of a DS child that needed 24 hour care and in a wheel chair! I had to educate them!
And all sorts of random insensitive comments from people who have no idea. The fight continues.

I stood firm for him. I did cry a lot though😆
I wanted him the moment I got that positive sign on a stick. I had 3 miscarriages before and this was a miracle from God in my eyes. I fell madly in love then and there. He has made me into a strong fighter and the best version of me. And our family is complete because of my perfect little boy.
Tobias you are more than anything I can dream of, I don’t know how we got so lucky! I am truly blessed❤️
