13 2018 @lessonfourteen – NEURO INFLAMMATION

Most citations used are taken from the NLM database and are in the public domain.

In looking at the kids on full protocol who have remaining issues as opposed to those who are making strides, two issues are noted culprits. Remaining neuro inflammation and remaining gut dysfunction. Let’s look at neuro inflammation first then, I’m going to as Gabi Giacomin to go back over the serious neurological problems that result from continuing gut issues. Keep in mind that bacteria from the gut does infiltrate the brain, adding to the inflammatory response. These two are not unrelated. We want to focus on the neurological effects of neuro inflammatory processes.

This studies for today’s topic are loaded with big words and difficult concepts. Take your time, use your dictionaries, if necessary, but understand that until this process is under complete and constant control, your child will not reach his or her full potential.

Neuro inflammation is exactly what it sounds like. It is the inflammation of the cells in the central nervous system. It can occur as the result of exposure to bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and in response to the over expression of inflammatory cytokines and genes mapped to the critical region of chromosome 21. Symptoms of severe neuro inflammation include fogginess, listlessness, agitation, stimming behaviors, sluggish gross and fine motor activities, increased sensory sensitivity, inability to connect with others or surroundings, a loss of limbic function resulting in irrational emotional disturbances including the absence of empathy, also know as mind blindness and seizure activity.

In DS, inflammation is even more of an issue than in any other neuro degenerative disease. This is due to the up regulation of several interlukins, Cox2, APP aggregates, the prevelance of heavy metal ions and viral and bacterial agents.

It is critical that you incorporate those things into your child’s protocol that actively reduce neuro inflammatory processes but it is equally necessary to down regulate those genes contributing to the process and do so faithfully. Further, the avoidance of inflammatory agents is paramount in your child’s recovery.

What can be done? The Nutrivene protocol contains all the major substances proven to reduce neuro inflammation. Each on also acts to down regulate genes or cytokines or to upregulate certain important proteins. All of them are critical to your child’s well being, but not every child may receive enough of these.

The substances are:

Curcumin- anti inflammatory and down regulates APP and all upregulated inflammatory cytokines found in DS

Resveratrol – anti inflammatory and down regulates MicroRNA 155

Quercitin- anti inflammatory, inhibits APP, COX 2 but we have no evidence that it also down regulates inflammatory cytokines. I suspect that it may. Quercitin also acts as a natural antihistamine so the increase of Quercitin would necessitate the increase of mango or papaya powder.

Luteolin – anti inflammatory and upregulates microRNA 132

Rutin – Anti inflammatory and May down regulate certain inflammatory agents

So what can you do if you’ve tried the full protocol faithfully but your child still has any of the symptoms stated above? The best approach would be to first insure that you are indeed following dosage guidelines. You cannot expect good results if you are not addressing neuro inflammation. If, for some reason, your child absolutely cannot use Curcumin, you can substitute Quercitin so long as you also increase Mango and or papaya. However, this may not be sufficient as we have no proof that it addresses inflammatory cytokines. However, it’s certainly better than doing nothing at all. But the absolute best option is still Curcumin. If your child is symptomatic, increase Curcumin to 40-45 mg per kg. Quercitin can be added at 10 mg per kg and used at 15 mg per kg if you are not able to use Curcumin. I do, however, not recommend you discontinue Curcumin.

You can increase Resveratrol by an additional 3 -5 mg per kg. 2 x a day. This will not interfere with SOD1 but is not suggested for children who do not have lingering symptoms. You cannot do this by doubling the Polyphenol Formula because that would also increase EGCG.

Research demonstrates that Luteolin may be the better option to increase for children with ASD disorders. Luteolin can be increased to one capsule of Luteolin/Rutin per every 22 pounds of body weight. This was the amount suggested by a recent and on going clinical trial. This would get very expensive so my suggestion would be to buy both Luteolin and Rutin in Bulk.

The bottom line here is that the symptoms associated with ASD, ADD and or ADHD seem to be the result of poorly controlled neuro inflammation. The following studies should be read for a better understanding of how serious this issue really is.

Down’s syndrome, neuroinflammation, and Alzheimer neuropathogenesis

Down syndrome individuals with Alzheimer’s disease have a distinct neuroinflammatory phenotype compared to sporadic Alzheimer’s disease

Neuroinflammation in the Aging Down Syndrome Brain; Lessons from Alzheimer’s Disease

Neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorders
Immune dysfunction and neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorder

Curcumin Ameliorates Neuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration, and Memory Deficits in p25 Transgenic Mouse Model that Bears Hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Curcumin is a potent modulator of microglial gene expression and migration
Rutin prevents cognitive impairments by ameliorating oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in rat model of sporadic dementia of Alzheimer type

Luteolin Could Improve Cognitive Dysfunction by Inhibiting Neuroinflammation.
Luteolin triggers global changes in the microglial transcriptome leading to a unique anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective phenotype – Correction does not diminish the findings of this study

Luteolin, Focal brain inflammation and autism

Luteolin Inhibits Fibrillary β-Amyloid1–40-Induced Inflammation in a Human Blood-Brain Barrier Model by Suppressing the p38 MAPK-Mediated NF-κB Signaling Pathways

Resveratrol regulates neuro-inflammation and induces adaptive immunity in Alzheimer’s disease

Resveratrol suppresses neuroinflammation in the experimental paradigm of autism spectrum disorders


Resveratrol regulates neuro-inflammation and induces adaptive immunity in Alzheimer’s disease

Quercetin suppress microglial neuroinflammatory response and induce antidepressent-like effect in olfactory bulbectomized rats


Research Supports Using a Quercetin Supplement to Alleviate Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms

Effects of the Anti-inflammatory Flavonoid Luteolin on Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Role of Inflammation, the blood brain barrier, in epilepsy and autism